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Vacation in Bandung west java Indonesia

I had a great times with my family and friends in my homeland country Indonesia, It is such a short visit,but I spent some quality times with them in two weeks, I wish I have more times but they understand I have to go back to US and back to work :)

In my small town I still see traditional transportation for short distance called becak= pedicab/trishaw
or bridge= horse-drawn two-wheeled cart.

On the third day we go to the beach PANGANDARAN with all my family my mom,brother and sister and their family, I'm still tired and jet lagged at the time but sure I had a great times.

My bother having fun with the kids ;)

You will see this view in the beach no bikini ,no swim, they just play with water ;)

This is a traditional Sundanese restaurant in my home town, a local owner the name of the restaurant are "Saung Palupuh" ( no link or website)
They served Sundanese foods ( west java traditional foods )  in old traditional home style, there is  short, long and wide table in the middle of the room / saung ( sundanese ) and we have to sit down on the floor to eat, I have lunch with my high school friends and enjoyed all the foods we order, I love the tropical atmosphere in this place, The location is about 2 miles from my mom home.

I use to live in Bandung the third large city in Indonesia,which is about 19 miles from my parents home,so I can go anytime to catch public transportation and meet my friends and catch up before I go back to the US.

Ciwalk mall Bandung

Ciwalk mall Bandung

Ciwalk mall Bandung

The last thing to do I went to Jakarta The capital city of Indonesia to meet my friends,dine and shop at Grand Indonesia  stayed for two night,  So I would like to thank you to all my friend for the times,pick up, ride around the city and I had such a good times with you all.
Fia you are my best foodie friend  it seem like you now all about good foods and great dinning in Jakarta and Rangga you are best driver, I can't imagine how to drive in Jakarta, one of the worse traffic jam in the world :)

Christine, Cyra is so cute and adorable I'm glad I finally met your baby girl, looks at her shoes on the table, is that our appetizer ;)

To my friend Oengke Thanks for the ride from Jakarta-Bandung you make my travel more easier I appreciated.

Adi, Fia and Rangga appreciated you guys come to see me at the airport before I leave , I remember it was rainy day all day, Fia thank for shared  this pictures with me :)

Hope to see you guys again in the next trip !


  1. Glad that you had a great time at home!

  2. I love seeing these pictures of your home! Its such a beautiful place.
    And you look very happy.


  3. What a marvelous visit to your homeland. I enjoyed looking at all the photos and reading about your travels. Some of the photos remind me of Sri Lanka and make me homesick too. :) I hope you get to visit your homeland again soon. :)

  4. You sure had a great time. Lovey pics Man. I got to see and meet your family in the visual world. Trying to make a trip to Bandung and hopefully it can happen.

  5. Ridwan, I just now saw your photos of your homeland, and town for the first time. (I've been so out of touch with blogging lately)

    Beautiful photos of your capital city, and your hometown. So nice that you got to spend time with your family, and friends. Thanks for sharing!


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