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Showing posts with the label sushi

Californian Sushi roll

I don't eat much sushi but If I do anything with cooked shrimp or cooked salmon, Californian and Inari sushi  are my favorite, Use any raw vegetables you like such cucumber,carrot,avocado or steamed asparagus drizzle with yum-yum sauce it taste so good, or dip into soy or ponzu sauce along with pickled ginger and wasabi Ingredients : -  2 cups sushi rice / Han Kuk Mi / Nisiki - 2 1/2 cups water - 6 fresh steamed asparagus - Imitation crab meat/cut in stick - 1 ripe Avocado/cut in strip - carrot / stick - cucumber / stick - 6 small sheets toasted nori How to cook sushi Rice, Basically I just follow direction on the package preparation : combine 2 cups rice with  2 1/2  cups water in medium saucepan,bring to a soft boil,reduce heat and simmer covered 20 minutes or until moisture is absorbed,remove from heat,let stand covered add seasoned rice vinegar toss them gently. You need sushi mat + cold water divide Rice into 6 eq...

Inari Sushi

I made Inari sushi my way, sushi rice mixed with rice seasoning and topping with thinly slice green onion and sprinkle with ground peanut to add more taste to it, can be serve with soy sauce pickle ginger and wasabi if you like.  Ingredients : - 1 1/2 cups sushi Rice/ Nishiki - 1/2 Tbsp seasoned rice vinegar/sushi vinegar - 1 can  seasoned fried bean curd /Inarizushi-no-moto - 2 Tbsp rice seasoning/salmon furikake - 1 stalk green onion/thinly slice - 2 Tbsp grounded peanut preparation : if use sauce pan combine 1 1/2 cups rice and 2 cups water in medium saucepan,bring to a soft boil,reduce heat and simmer covered 20 minutes or until moisture is absorbed,remove from heat,let stand covered add seasoned rice vinegar toss them add seasoning / salmon furikake,mix them well open tofu pouches / pocket very gently and stuff with sushi rice mixed about 2 Tbsp topping with thinly slice green onion.grounded peanut serve with soy sauce pickle g...