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Semur / Indonesian Braised Beef and Thanks.

To all my foodie friends, Thank you all so much for your support,comments and shared the foods recipes with me,it's been amazing year to know all of you and your creativity from your kitchen to the blogger world,it's been Fun :)
and I know it takes a lot of time to do that,so I appreciated.

I got promotion at work as assistant manager at the restaurant and my work schedule is gonna be longer at least 50 hrs/week for that reason I can't  keep up with my blog post as much as I use to be, But I still keep my blog open and I will post whenever I have time :)

So, once again Thank you all so much,it's been fun to shared food recipes with you guys and have a great weekend !!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semur is a type of meat stew that is braised in thick brown gravy commonly found in Indonesian cuisine. The main ingredient used in semur gravy is kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), shallotsonionsgarlicgingercandlenutnutmeg and cloves, sometimespeppercoriandercumin and cinnamon might be added. Soy sauce is the most important ingredient in the Semur-making process because it serves to strengthen the flavor, but it should still feel blends harmoniously with other ingredients. In addition to the main ingredient, semur might also consists of wide range of variation in the presentation, such as the addition of meat (mainly beef), beef tonguepotatotofu,tomatotempeheggs, chicken, fish and often sprinkled with bawang goreng (fried shallot) or other variations according to the tastes of the communities in each regions.

Ingredients :
2  pounds boneless beef chuck, cut into 2-inch thin slice
3/4 cup minced shallots
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp minced ginger
2- inch galangal
1/2 nutmeg, grated
2--4 star anise
1 piece of cinnamon
4 cloves
2 tsp salt
3 tomatoes, diced
4 cups water
2 tsp vinegar
3 tbsp sweet soy sauce/ kecap manis
3 yukon gold potatoes, sliced crosswise 1/2-inch thick
1/4  cup vegetable oil for fry potato
1 1/2 lb green beans

Direction :
peel and cut potatoes into lenghtwise and fry until slightly golden brown,set aside

Fry the shallots with vegetable oil about two minute or so .
Stir in the ginger, galangal, nutmeg, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and salt.
Add the beef, stir and cook for another five minutes . Pour in the water.
Add sweet soy sauce/ kecap manis and bay leaves, and bring to a boil.
add fried potatoes and green beans.
Cover and simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, until the beef is tender.

Serve with white rice is best !


  1. Congratulations on your promotion!!
    Well done my friend. :) I love this braised meat dish and all your flavorings in it. :) You are a talented cook and great blogger. Have a wonderful weekend! ~ Ramona

  2. It looks hearty, comforting, and delicious.

  3. Salam Ridwan, Congratulations on your promotion.. Keep it up, and don't forget to thanks to Him for that and shukur always. Sumur looks delicious. I'll try it one day.

  4. Congrats and may more come your way. Don't worry so much if you can't comment on my postings, its ok and I can understand that time can be taken up with work, what more more time is also need for blogging.

    We don't eat beef but the braised beef looks great and will be fabulous for those who enjoy eating beef.

  5. This recipe is delicious...
    I' m very happy to fibìnd your blog.
    I have a blog of italian dish but i like to experiment new flavours.

  6. This looks so flavourful and tasty!

    Congratulations on your promotion!!

  7. Congratulations on the promotion my friend, that is fantastic news! You have an incredible blog and I look forward to whenever you are able to post :)

    Choc Chip Uru

  8. Congratulations on your promotion!!
    Hope to see your recipes whenever you are free....
    Have a great weekend!!
    Amy-Food Corner

  9. CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion!!! You must be thrilled! Your braised beef looks wonderful...and thanks for the tips on what I can add to my next batch of hummus :)

  10. The beef looks so tasty, Ridwan! And congrats on your promotion!

  11. Ridwan, congratulations on your promotion! sounds like a great job:)

    Love your delicious braised beef, so perfect for the fall season. Very comforting!

  12. Thank you everyone for comments and your support,I appreciated :)

  13. Delicious braised beef! Congratulations on your promotion, Ridwan! I'm so happy for you!

  14. Wow, that is a good-looking dish! Congratulations on your promotion.

  15. congratulations! that's awesome!and it looks very, very yummy!

  16. I wish that your Christmas will be fulfilled with sweet pleasure,
    Full with memories that you keep close and treasure.
    Happy Holidays x
    -The Little Housewife

  17. looks tasty & delicious...mouthwatering!


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