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Rissoles are Indonesian snack, called risol (pronounced 'riss-ol'). They are commonly filled with chicken, egg, carrot, common bean, potato, and eaten with chilli sauce ( wikipedia )

Can be cook plain without bread crumbs, If use bread crumbs you will need egg wash for glue

Coated with bread crumbs

Use mashed potato or substitute with flour to thickened chicken mixture.

Filling Ingredients :

- 2 carrot/dice
- 2 cook chicken breast / dice I use leftover rotisserie chicken breast
- 1 cup green peas
- 1 yellow onion / chop
- 2 clove garlic / chop
- bunch of green onion
- 1/2 cup flour or 1 cup mashed potato
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cube chicken bouillon
- 1/2 tsp celery salt
- 1 tsp fresh grated nutmeg/half of fresh nutmeg
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 2 Tbsp butter

and you will need :
- vegetable oil for fry
- 2 egg  and water ( egg wash for a glue )
- 2 cups bread crumb or panko
fresh nutmeg
Preparation :
heat butter on medium high,saute garlic and onion until cook
add,chicken, carrot,green peas,and green onion,cook for a while
seasoning with chicken bouillon,celery salt and nutmeg
add milk and mashed potato or thickened with flour
simmer  and stir until all ingredients combine and thicker
set aside

The filling

The batter for the rissole skin

Ingredients for the risol skin/roll/pastry
- 3 egg
- 2 cup flour
- 2 cup milk
- pinch of salt and pepper
( whisk all ingredient until smooth )

how to cook the risol skin
on the low heat,use non stick small skillet
brush with butter or oil spray just one time
drop about 1/4 cup batter mix
make very thin pancake, fill about 2 Tbsp risoles filling
roll it one time , fold them both side and roll one more time.

brush risol with egg wash
coat with bread crumbs.

fry in vegetable oil in medium high,until golden brown or about 2-3 minutes each side
using paper towel on the plate.

E n j o y,,,


  1. look yummy & mouth watering!! we have a more similar dish in Sri Lanka & we call it 'Chinese Rolls'...:)

  2. The rissoles look yummy. You have done it very neatly. You are very right, we share many recipes with our own culture by different names.

  3. They look like a cross between a crepe and a the flavor combination!

  4. I love pot pies and I know I would love this dish. I love the use of a crepe to hold it all together and that it's breaded and fried. Great dish! I agree with Amy, who commented above, we have a dish in Sri Lanka that we call Chinese rolls that uses the same crepe, breaded and fried method. Thanks for sharing this Indonesian dish!!

  5. This does sound a little like chicken pot pie, which I love, so I know I would like this!

  6. I have not heard about this risoles before though there's some similarities with fried popiah and spring rolls but you bet the outcome is nice and crunchy after the frying.

  7. wow... send me some..!! favorite snack during my brunch with hot tea.. ^,^

  8. Wow, these look great! My husband loves chicken pot pie, so this would be a great dinner item :)

  9. This looks so good! I bet the flavors are amazing!

  10. This is amazing! i love that you made the wrappers, too!

  11. Meuni rajin pisan euy! jadi inget si iyuk di rumah doyan banget bikin cemilan begini

  12. Love the addition of coconut milk to the pastry! Risoles remind me of spring rolls but now i know they r different! :)
    Thanks for sharing, learnt an Indonesian recipe today!


  13. Thank you everyone for nice comments :)

  14. this savoury crepes always be a hit when I brought for multiculture gathering. Yummy post !

  15. This is my son fav snack!!
    and as I said before ridwan, please fed-ex the risoles and the plate and the bowl to Indonesia, I'll wait :D haha ha!
    pake cabe rawit panas" enak nih :D

  16. Wow those looks so fun and tasty! And you're right it totally reminds me of chicken pot pie. Coincidentally, I like to use a dash of nutmeg in my pot pies so this is perfect.

  17. These look delicious! They remind me a little bit of quesadillas, which I love (but I always make the same boring ones, so this will be a great change). Thanks for sharing your recipe, and for the great step-by-step instructions and photos!


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