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Hard boil egg meatloaf and my second Award

This maybe sound funny,boil egg in the meatloaf, but hey this is what I love about cooking in my own kitchen I can create an experiment things, not like to cook at work I have a rule to follow,and stick with their recipe,,,,so when I'm home,,,,I'm free and I can play with my cooking LoL
by the way,leftover always give me some idea,about cooking so,,,this time I had four hard boil egg.
Need to us up soon, you never know is come up with this " hard boil egg meatloaf" I know someone was laughing at me here :)

Hard boil egg meatloaf

 Ingredients :
1 1/2 lbs ground beef ( 96-4 extra lean )
4 hard boil egg
2 egg
handful green onion green onion/chopped
1 tbs salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp galangal powder
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tbs soy sauce
1 cup panko crumbs

Preparation :
if you don't have 4 hard boil egg ready,,,bring 4 egg to boil
pre heat oven on 350 degree F

  4 hard boil egg,set aside 
on the mixing bowl,mix ground beef,chopped onion,2 egg
and the rest of spices ingredient

add panko bread crumb and mix it until combine

spread ground beef mixture on the parchment paper
and arrange four egg on the middle

fold  each side forming a loaf

ready to put on the grease meatloaf pan

bake on 350 degree F about 50-55 minutes

let them cool litle bit and ready to slice them  and serve
E N J O Y 
And I would like to say thank you so very much to my fellow bloger Amy Food Corner for awarding this  award to me I really appreciated :)

I'm honored to be awarded the sisterhood  of the world bloggers award  :)

Once again thanks to amy Food corner / and now I'm passing this awards to my fellow food blogger  as my apreciation  to all of you for the comments and sharing recipes

My Home Diary in Turkey
Give Thanks
My FIANCE! Likes It, So It MUST Be Good.
Stephanie @ Eat. Drink. Love.
Christine's Pantry
Lilly or Fuzz Free Food
Cooking Healthy For Me
Cravings of a Lunatic

I'm new in  this "food blogger community"so as I'm happy to share a  comments and recipe with  all of you  and I hope you all too,so please accept those awards
have a great Sunday  everyone !!!


  1. Thanks for passing on your awards to me, Ridwan! What a great blogging community we have found!

  2. thats really creative in using eggs to make a meatloaf but sorry we don't eat beef but I am sure its ok to try with other types of meat, maybe chicken.

    Tq for the award but sorry once again to state that I am not into this although have received plenty from other bloggers. I somehow find this a bit tedious and there seems no ending as there's so many awards like this going on in the blogging world.

  3. @Nava Krishnan
    I understand,thanks for comment though,you always been really nice :)

  4. Congratulation Ridwan..! 1st for making that great dish which I like.. (I should try it sometime though)
    2nd for those rewards.. U deserve them... selamat ya... keep "masak-masak" ^,^
    Makasih ya udah passing rewards nya ke aku... :))

  5. Congrats on the awards! They were surely well deserved. I’m so honored you’ve past them on to me. It means a lot!
    Great job on using leftover eggs. It isn’t a strange idea at all. I’ve did it before and it was great! You know what would make it even better? If you’d use quail eggs and made mini meatballs instead of a whole loaf. Make sure you try it. I bet you would love it to!

  6. What a beautiful meatloaf!!! And congrats on your award...the second of many~

  7. This looks so good! I love the idea of having the eggs in there as a little "surprise"

  8. Ridwan...first of all...congrats on your well deserved award! And secondly, that meatloaf looks awesome! Such a great look, too, when you cut into it to see the slices of egg. Really creative!

  9. @My Home Diary in Turkey
    Thank you,,,and u welcome you deserve those award too,,,yup,,i always enjoy "masak-masak"

  10. @Lilly
    Thanks you,and i'm glad that awards it means a lot to you,and great idea for the meatball :)

  11. @Lizzy
    thank you so much,appreciated of all your nice comments,and join my networkedblog :)

  12. @Anne@frommysweetheart
    Thanks so much,i really appreciated all all your comments :)

  13. Congrats on your award. Meatloaf looks good.

    Thank you so much for the award. I'm happy and honored.

  14. Congratulation with your award.

    This meatloaf with hard-boiled egg is beautiful. Every slice is filled with a great eggy-surprise.

  15. Congrats on the award :)
    I would have never though of adding boiled egg to meatloaf. This is a genious idea! It looks so delicious.
    Thanks for sharing the award with me :)

  16. This recipe is really great & a new idea for me....& I didnt think that much about 'sisterhood award'....:) Anyway it is from a fellow sister to a brother :) & Glad to see that you have passed them to fellow bloggers...Happy blogging & keep posting new ideas....

  17. Aw, thanks so much. I am late to the party. Life has been crazy the last while. I shall accept it graciously and with many thanks. Congrats on getting it and well done on another fabulous recipe.

  18. @Amy
    Thanks,,,oh don't worrie about sisterhood award,,hehe
    I'm honored,and happy :)

  19. Again,Thanks everyone for comments,,,I really appreciated :)

  20. @Kim Bee
    Thanks,kim,and I'm sorry i forget to tell you that I pasing award to you,and you deserved it :)

  21. Congratulation and thanks for your share . .

  22. Congratz for ur second award ridwan & tq for passing it to me :)
    yummy egg meatloaf! ;)

  23. Congrats on your award! The meatloaf looks creative and very appetising :)


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