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Tempura flounder in tomato cream sauce

tempura  fish/ flounder  in tomato cream spices sauce
ingredients :
4 pcs flounder fillets
5 tbs tempura batter mix
vegetable oil for fry : estimates
1 cucumber
1 carrot
preparation :
mix tempura batter with 1/2 cup of cold water
coat fish with  tempura batter mix, fry until golden brown about 3 minutes each side

sauce ingredients :estimates
2 tbsp tomato paste
4 tbsp coconut milk
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 clove garlic
pinch of red flake pepper ( optional )
pinch of turmeric
pinch of black pepper
pinch of brown sugar
pinch of salt
simmer  sauce ingredients for few minutes until  about boiling
 julienne  cut cucumber and carrot and top with  fried fish and pour the sauce on top and  a wedge of lime
served with jasmine rice.


  1. mungkin di indo nggak ada jenis ikan flounder kok terjemahan nya jadi menggelepar ikan,,,,haha,,,

  2. LOL, aku sendiri baru dengar flounder pas liat food network. Tau sendiri di Prairie susah nyari ikan segar :)

  3. @Indonesia Eats LoL,,,aku aja sampe terbahak2 krn begitu aku lihat translate nya jadi ikan menggelepar,,,,lucu aja
    disini juga nggak ada pasar ikan,,,,itu frozen fish :)
    4 hari yg lalu ada sisa di freezer,aku masak lalu ku blended sama basil pesto,krn aku pikir kalo ada clam sauce buat spaghetti,,,,pasti pake ikan juga bisa,,,experiment aja,,,hasil nya suka banget :) pasti bikin lagi :)
    thanks for comment


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