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Vacation in Bandung west java Indonesia

I had a great times with my family and friends in my homeland country Indonesia, It is such a short visit,but I spent some quality times with them in two weeks, I wish I have more times but they understand I have to go back to US and back to work :) In my small town I still see traditional transportation for short distance called becak= pedicab/trishaw or bridge= horse-drawn two-wheeled cart. On the third day we go to the beach PANGANDARAN  with all my family my mom,brother and sister and their family, I'm still tired and jet lagged at the time but sure I had a great times. My bother having fun with the kids ;) You will see this view in the beach no bikini ,no swim, they just play with water ;) This is a traditional Sundanese restaurant in my home town, a local owner the name of the restaurant are "Saung Palupuh" ( no link or website) They served Sundanese foods ( west java traditional foods )  in old traditional home style, there i

Molasses coconut cookies

This is the first time I up date a blog post on the iPhone, my laptop is sick :) is in service, I don't know yet it's fixable or I have to buy the new one. But anyway I can't wait to share that I have a great vacation in Indonesia ( will post some pictures in the next post ) I really had a good times with all my family and friends. Now I'm back in the US, back to work and  having two days off  because the snow storm weather ( Monday -Tuesday ) The sun is out today so the snow start getting melted I hope the road will be okay tomorrow, it's a good day for baking so I made molasses coconut cookies. With butter                                              With coconut oil Ingredients - 1 cup brown sugar - 3/4  cup molasses - 3/4  cup coconut oil or 1 stick unsalted butter (room temperature) - 1 egg - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 2 cups all purpose flour - 1/2  teaspoon salt - 2 teaspoon baking soda - 1 teaspoon cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon al

Green tea noodles in basil and sun dried tomato seasoned oil

It's February, the crazy cold weather single digit temperature,freezing rain and snow,one day is warm and next day is wind chill warning oh,, so crazy, I had enough of this uncertain weather already, but I know we can not do anything about it, is all about mother nature, so whatever ;) But I do have one wish about the weather for this coming Saturday, please be warm temperature or sunny because I have to travel to my homeland country Indonesia for two weeks so I'm hopping nice weather, no schedule flight delay, so please mother nature be nice :) All right back to the food now, Stir fried noodles is very easy to prepare and don't take much time to cook, Basically you can use any type of noodles you like or any seasoned oil such a sesame oil, olive oil etc and mixed with any vegetables you have on hand. Ingredients : - 1 package/7 oz authentic Japanese green tea noodles - 2 Tbsp basil and sun dried tomato seasoned oil - 2 cloves garlic - 2 clove

Asian spices chili meat balls

I use all the basic ingredients for the chili soup and seasoned with Asian spices and I made baked meat balls instead of ground beef, it's slightly spicy with fresh cayenne pepper, You can cook this chili soup in the crock pot or on the stove. serve for 4-6 Ingredients : Meat balls - 1 lb ground beef - 2 Tbsp cornstarch - 1 egg - 1 Tbsp Chinese five spices - 1 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon black pepper ( combine ground beef,cornstarch egg and spices, mix it with hand until evenly,make a small size meat balls, spray baking dish, Bake on 375 F for 30-35 minutes ) While meat balls baking in the oven, prepare all the chili ingredients Chili ingredients : - 1 onion/ dice - 2 clove garlic/chop - 1 fresh cayenne pepper/chop - 1 inch galangal -  large can 1 lb+12 oz dice tomato - 4 cans  15,5 oz red kidney beans - 2 Tbsp Chinese five spices - 1 Tbsp salt - 1 Tbsp cumin - 1 teaspoon black pepper ( mix all the chili ingredients directly into crock pot/

Vanilla caramel coffee creamer

A lady at work give away varieties of homemade candy for co-worker and staff when she handed basket to me I choose a bag of caramel, It's a good candy,  But I can't eat them all so I have to make something out of it, So I made this homemade Vanilla caramel coffee creamer. Ingredients: - 1 cup caramel candy - 2 cups light cream - 1 can  14 oz condensed milk - 2 Tbsp vanilla extract Direction : - In a sauce pan  and low heat temperature bring caramel candy with light cream, simmer until all the  caramel candy are melted, Remove from the stove, Add  condensed milk and vanilla, stir until combine,let them cool and store in a bottle and keep in the fridge.

Molten chocolate truffles cupcakes

I dedicated this blog post to our friend who gave us chocolates during the holiday, In my previous post I use  Lind chili dark chocolate in spicy wild rice mushrooms soup , Another friend gift me this  Assorted chocolate truffles   I had a lot of chocolates, I use up some of them to fill in the centered of this warm molten cupcakes. Is like a surprise each cupcake filled with different taste of melted chocolate truffles. Peanut butter,dark,milk,white and extra dark chocolate truffles. Ingredients : - 2 stick unsalted butter/ room temperature - 1 cup sugar - 4 eggs - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 2 1/2 cup all purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 1 teaspoon salt - 4 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder - 4 Tablespoon milk - 12 pieces   Assorted chocolate truffles Preparations: * Preheat the oven on 375 F, put 12 paper baking cases in a muffin pan * shift dry ingredients together ( flour,baking soda,salt and cocoa powder ) set asi

Spicy wild rice mushrooms soup

During the Holiday my friend gave me this   Lind chili dark chocolate  bar, She mention to me I have to do something with it, I love to use little secret ingredients in my cooking, So I use this chili dark chocolate to replace pinch of sugar ingredients in this spicy wild rice mushrooms soup. It turn out the chocolate adding great slightly brown color and creaminess to the soup, We really like it it's delectable soup for cold winter days. Ingredients : - 1 sweet onion - 3 clove garlic - 2 Tbsp butter - 2 bay leaves - 3/4 cup wild rice - 2 carrot - 4 stalk celery - 16 oz baby Bella mushroom - 4 cups chicken broth/vegetables broth - 2 cups whole milk - 1/2 Tbsp salt/taste - 1/2 teaspoon white pepper/black - 1/2 teaspoon paprika powder - 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg - 1 Thai chili/pinch red pepper flakes - 2 square lindl chili dark chocolate Directions : Wash wild rice thoroughly, set aside Dice carrot,celery and cut baby Bella mushrooms by four or sl