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coconut palm sugar sauce

When I found this organic coconut palm sugar  on baking isle at Target, I know I am going to make coconut palm sugar sauce or we called it "kinca" a thick sauce use in some Indonesian traditional dessert, can be use on any sweet rice /glutinous rice  dessert or simply just drizzle on ice cream as a twist for experience a new taste. I created the sauce with only three ingredients with pinch of salt As you in a picture below I use the sauce for pandan rice balls is steamed glutinous rice with aromatic pandan leaves and pandan paste for color. Ingredients : - 1 1/2 cup  organic coconut palm sugar - 1 1/2 cup coconut milk - 3 pandan leaves or vanilla extract - pinch of salt Directions: - Put all ingredients In a sauce pan and simmer on low heat until coconut palm sugar dissolved it take less than ten minutes to cook,  stir frequently, let them cool and store leftover in a jar and put in the fridge.

jackfruit and tofu curry

Most Asian people know about jackfruit, If its unripe the color is green can be use for vegetables and if ripe the color is yellow can be consumed as a fruit or to add flavor to a variety of dessert. This time I use canned green jackfruit/unripe to make a vegan curry with tofu cooked in coconut milk with curry seasoning to serves with steamed white rice. Canned jackfruit can be found in Asian / Oriental market in vegetable isle I made similar dish before  jackfruit sweet stew with chicken/gudeg  this time I made vegan version with tofu, And I also made  jackfruit muffins  use ripe jackfruit for taste. Ingredients : - 2 cans / 2lb  cooked young jack fruit - 1 lb green beans - 1 package block fried tofu / cut in cube - 3 shallots - 2 cloves garlic - 2 fresh cayenne pepper - 1 teaspoon coriander - 2 bay leaves - 2 inch galanggal crushed - 1 stalk lemon grass,crushed - 1 can coconut milk add with 3 cups water - 2 cubes vegetable bouillon  - 1 teas